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HRIS Trends Environmental Forces

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* How will the environmental forces (technological, global, economic, social, etc.) affect and lead changes in the HRIS field in the next 10 to 20 years?

* How will changes in staffing, training, performance management, and legal compliance affect HRIS?

* Analyze implications of HRIS confidentiality and data security risks in terms of procedural, technical, and physical controls.

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HRIS trends for environmental forces are examined.

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HRIS Trends
[Student Name]
[The College which grants your degree]

HRIS Trends
How Environmental Forces (Technological, Global, Economic, Social, etc.) Affect and Lead Changes in the HRIS Field in the Next 10 to 20 Years

The following environmental forces will affect and lead changes in the HRIS field in the next 10 to 20 years as follows:
1) Technology Changes
The HRIS is a combination of HR and IT departments. HR has become a strategic part of the organization as it is involved in every department of the company. In the next 10 to 20 years, technology will advance quickly and HR will have to move with it. The change from timecards to swiping fobs is a major change (Brooks, 2011). The virtual world is changing the way we all work now. There will be a need to be able to train employees in domestic and foreign countries, work online and communicate with co-workers and the boss, and be able to have connectivity with the main office and still work from the car.
2) Global Issues
An organization expanding globally will encounter language barriers and legal issues. Cultures are different in different countries. It will be easier to learn about those cultures online with the advanced technology; however, even promotions and performance reviews are done differently in just different companies let alone different countries ...

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