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Best practices in Human Capital Development

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Please can you help me with the following questions.

Critique best practices in the areas of human capital development, managing the human factors of human resource management, and human resources architecture and regulatory compliance. Based upon your critique, you will develop metrics that could be used to evaluate these areas.

State five articles detailing best practices in human capital development. Provide a brief summary of the five best practices, identify an organization using each best practice, and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each best practice. Based on these five best practices, create metrics that could be used to evaluate an organization's human capital development processes.

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The response address the queries posted in 876 words with references.

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The response address the queries posted in 876 words with references.

// 'Human Capital Development' is important for any Organization. It consists of knowledge, abilities and skills, which a person uses to work in an Organization. It consists of various practices of like education, communication, employee motivation, training, coaching, mentoring, internship, organizational development and manpower planning & management. InterClean is an organization that uses many of these development practices. //

// Training is the overall development of the employees' talents and skills. 'On-the Job' Training and 'Off-the Job' training are the two methods used for this purpose. We will go through various methods of these trainings. //

Best practices in Human Capital Development

Training: Training prepares the employees for future tasks. It is an educational framework in which an employee learns to perform new tasks. InterClean aims to increase the competitive skills of the employees. Its main objective is the overall development of the employees' talents and skills (Zhu, 2004). It implements 2 types of training methods, I.e. On-the Job Training and off-the Job training. On-the Job training implies training while working at the job place. For this, InterClean uses several methods like special assignments, discussions, instruction training, etc. Off-the Job training is organized away from the workplace. To introduce this type of training, the organization uses vestibule training, role-playing, case-study, etc. While giving training to the employees, the management should always balance its expenditure and should not spend an extra amount for it.

// Manpower Planning & ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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