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Global Business: three most critical issues for IBM in the next five years

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You have been summoned by the CEO of IBM to explain what you believe are the 3 most critical issues in global management that will affect IBM company in the next 5 years.

Explain the issues and your recommendations as to the best course of action for IBM to thrive in the global marketplace that it finds itself.

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The solution examines the three most critical issues for IBM in the next five years. The issues and recommendations for IBM to thrive in the global marketplace is examined.

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3 most critical issues in global management

For any multi-national company, it is very important to look at the global management of the company. The most important issue that needs consideration is the heavily fluctuating US exchange rate as compared to other non-US currencies.

Exchange rate risk:
IBM being a multinational organization has its operation throughout the world and due to this the company has an exposure in various currencies. If we ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA, Indian Institute of Finance
  • Bsc, Madras University
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