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I need help answering some wuestions in GLOBAL STRATEGY and ORGANIZATIONS

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I need your HELP answering these questions:

How do i explain how I would manage the following organizational functions for my venture and selected country?

The country I selected is Mexico aand the venture is a private company offering beef, vegetables, and fruits. My company would supply completely natural beef by not using chemical enhancement/hormones.

!. How would I write on feedback, accounting and control for the above venture?
(I think feedback would be where our company is going and how we would change, and accounting would be how we keep track of our money or expenditures for example two sets of books one in the US and one in Mexico) and control I believe would be how we keep things in order like checks and balances)

2. What would my exit stratey be? (I think exit startegy for my venture would be the way I get out of the business and country)?

3. And how do i write a conclusion for this venture? I have never written a conclusion I was looking up what it meant and it said we should keep our introduction in mind. And this is my introduction:

Our Company is being formed as a private company offering beef, vegetables and fruits to our authentic "TASTE OF MEXICO" chain of restaurants that are located throughout the USA and Mexico. Our company will offer the highest quality of beef and food supplies that are completely natural by not using any chemicals enhancements/hormones in our beef, vegetables and fruits. Our company will provide high quality beef, vegetables and fruits to natural type grocery stores as well

Can you HELP me with this and can you answer in paragraphs and can you give me the sources.

Thank you your HELP is GREATLY appreciated

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Exit Strategy
1. The method by which a venture capitalist or business owner intends to get out of an investment that he or she has made in the past. In other words, the exit strategy is a way of "cashing out" an investment. Examples include an initial public offering (IPO) or being bought out by a larger player in the industry. Also referred to as a "harvest strategy" or "liquidity event".

2. In the context of an active trader, a plan as to when a trade will be closed out.

1. It's more difficult for a VC or entrepreneur to get money out of an investment because they are generally dealing with private companies. When a firm is private, the shares cannot be sold nearly as easily as when the firm is publicly traded on a stock exchange. So, even though a private startup firm could be worth millions of dollars, the VC/entrepreneur has little access to this wealth. You can think of the exit strategy as the first opportunity to trade an illiquid asset (shares in a private firm) for a very liquid asset (cash).

2. For example, a trader might set a stop-loss order to exit a trade if a stock drops a certain percentage.
Feedback in organizations
As an organization seeks to improve its performance, feedback helps it to make required adjustments.
Examples of feedback in organizations:
· Financial audit
· performance appraisal
· shareholder meetings
· customer surveys
· 360 degree feedback
Consider the example of financial audit:
A financial audit is the examination of financial records and reports of a company, in order to verify that the figures in the financial reports are relevant, accurate, and complete. The general focus is on making sure that all assets and liabilities are properly recorded on the balance sheet, that the statement of income and expenses is correct.
Doing a financial audit is called the "attest" function. The general purpose is for an independent party (the CPA firm) to provide written assurance (the audit report) that financial reports are "fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principals."
Because of major accounting scandals (failure by CPA firms to detect widespread fraud), assessing internal control procedures have increased in magnitude as a part of financial audits.
Financial audits are typically done by external auditors (CPA firms). Many organizations, including most very large organizations, also ...

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