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Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

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Why does project planning usually come before analysis and design?
What are some of the methodologies commonly used for requirements elicitation?
How can a prototype be used?
What are some metrics that can be used during the SDLC? List the various steps and applicable metrics.
What are some reasons why systems fail?

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SDLC methodology, reason why project planning comes before analysis & design, how a prototype is used, metrics and steps, and reasons for system failure. References included.

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Why does project planning usually come before analysis and design?
Planning is an important phase in project management. One may have an excellent design but without noting down the budget and other constraints, it may not become materialized. The planning process is a guide to project control and execution and it enables communication between the people involved in the project. The plan describes how the project is going to be started, managed, executed and controlled. It also outlines the persons who are responsible for certain tasks. The goals are outlined so that they serve as the basis on how to start the project. Strategies for the tasks are going to be listed and chosen and statement of project scope is also done. After all these, a detailed implementation plan is going to be developed and signed by the project stakeholders.

Careful planning will incorporate the design and analysis phase and once the plan is ready, it will be easy to facilitate product design while analysis will systematically occur. Planning is the foundation of every project. It is during this stage that the project manager realizes that a certain design which the team wants to develop may not be applicable because of too much risk or due to budgetary constraints. If design comes ahead of planning, there is no proper assignment of tasks and duties which might leave others ...

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