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Tips for Writing Letter to Management

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I have been working for a company for almost 7 years in the same position. We are offered a Salary with Quarterly incentive of $1300. Our team consists of approximately 8 sales reps who are responsible for closing deals. My responsibility is then to manage the sale from inception to completion. The role consists of sales support, customer support, billing, marketing just to name a few. With that said if we do not meet revenue at the end of the quarter then my incentive is taking away. Therefore I am doing everything that is asked of me as far as it relates to my position. I have no control over this. The role has developed tremendously throughout the years and as of lately I have been asked to manage an entire customer process, which includes steps on the client end will now be completed by me. I have also been asked to collect on bad debt accounts that are 30-180 days past due with no additional incentive. We do have a collection team and this is actually their job which they also receive a quarterly or monthly compensation around this. So I am assisting them and they are hitting their goals and rewards. I am seeking help with a letter that will offer two options to management either requesting a salary increase keeping the same incentive (knowing it's a hit or miss) OR revising the incentive to include receiving some form of commission on these bad debt accounts. I am working on an account now that is 14k in bad debt, now hypothetically say I was able to get this client to pay but my team didn't t make the quarter, I receive nothing. I am having a hard time excepting this. Again looking for a letter to propose to management.

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Solution Summary

This solution offers some overall tips when writing a letter to management to change an incentive structure at work. It is a basic review of how to align management goal's with one's own goals, and demonstrate one's positive contribution to the overall workplace.

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In my experience, letters to management should be concise, facts-based, and constructive (versus destructive, which will undermine your message). Also, the letter needs to convince management that their goals can align with your goals, motivating you to be productive and thus perform well for the organization. Basically, one has to highlight how addressing one's individual challenges (incentive structure in this case) will ultimately result in benefits for management and the organization as a whole, based on total revenues (not just the ones from your team targets). Perhaps it is unrealistic to realize revenue targets in the quarter period if you continue to assist on another team. Instead, you may ask to be measured on a semi ...

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