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Employee Benefits Questions

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Please check for correctness. Provide any input so that I can understand. Milkovich, G., & Newman, J. (2013). Compensation (11 ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

9. The human relations approach to management would recommend rewarding outstanding employee performance through:

a. piece rate compensation
b. incentive compensation
c. ** employee recognition **
d. gain sharing
e. stock options

12. An emergent compensation strategy differs from an articulated strategy in that the emergent strategy:
a. includes none of the decisions on pay techniques
b. is secondary to the training strategy
c. ** is inferred from the company's pattern of compensation decisions **
d. tends to be the same for all organizations in an industry
e. is revised on an annual basis

15. The wage associated with a specific job can be explained in part by:
a. the supply of people with the necessary skills
b. the demand for labor
c. relationships among jobs within an organization
d. societal norms
e. ** all of the above **

18. Fairness of the results produced by a pay structure is known as:
a. ** egalitarianism **
b. procedural justice
c. distributive justice
d. exchange value
e. social justice

19. Internal job structures are based on:
a. market wages
b. ** organization design and work flow **
c. level of compensation
d. just wages
e. what other employers are paying.

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This solution provides the correct answers with explanations to the employee benefits and human resources study questions listed. All questions are answered.

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9. The human relations approach to management would recommend rewarding outstanding employee performance through:

a. piece rate compensation
b. incentive compensation
c. employee recognition This is correct. In the other choices, we see that monetary value is involved. We have compensation, incentives, gain sharing (profits), and stocks. In this choice, we are rewarding through recognition, which is in-line with the human relations management model. Behavior is rewarded mainly through non-monetary means.
d. gain sharing
e. stock options

12. An emergent compensation strategy differs from an articulated strategy in that the emergent ...

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