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Determining Base Pay for Workers.

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Explain and describe the importance of the 5 steps (Perform a job analysis, write job descriptions, evaluate jobs, design and perform a pay survey, develop a pay structure) in how organizations determine the base pay for workers in all types of jobs.

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This solution explains and describes the importance of the 5 steps (Perform a job analysis, write job descriptions, evaluate jobs, design and perform a pay survey, develop a pay structure) in how organizations determine the base pay for workers in all types of jobs.

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In order to determine the base pay and success of employees for all types of jobs it is important to perform a job analysis. Through job analysis, information about the tasks involved for the job is obtained, as well as characteristics and requirements for the employee to be successfully assigned to the task. It is an objective basis to use in hiring, evaluating, training, and increasing efficiency. It helps determine an appropriate amount of pay by outlining the job conditions and qualifications. This information is recorded in precise terms as a job description. This is a crucial step in outlining the parameters of the position as well as the qualifications needed to perform the tasks successfully. A job description also outlines where the job is positioned in the organizational structure, and to whom the employee will report; it helps provide essential ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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