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Compensation Plan for all levels of Salespeople

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How can a compensation plan be developed to provide incentives for experienced salespeople, yet make some provision for trainees who have not yet learned the job?

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This solution discusses a compensation plan that would provide incentives for experienced salespeople while making some provision for trainees, who have not yet learned the job. It includes examples and links.

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A compensation plan can be developed to provide incentives for experienced salespeople, while making some provision for trainees who have not yet learned the job by being broken into different time periods. A base salary insures that all involved have a baseline of pay. This amount should be set at the low end, to encourage activity that drives sales. Compensation plans can then be devised to ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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