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Desirable Planning and Decision-Making Tools for Netflix

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Desirable Planning and Decision-Making Tools for Netflix

We don't know what information Netflix has available internally. Here's your opportunity to ask for the information you would like to have to be an effective manager in this organization.

What kind of information and reports would you like to have as a manager for Netflix?

How would you utilize this information in the decision-making process to help the company grow?

Comment on the costs associated with obtaining, maintaining, preparing, and analyzing the desired data.

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Solution Summary

Your tutorial is 296 words and gives many ideas for what data may be useful, how it would be used and the downside of having so many things measured.

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What kind of information and reports would you like to have as a manager for Netflix?

I would like to know which costs are variable versus fixed, and whether the costs are sunk, committed or discretionary. I would also like to know what activities are linked (causally) with those costs. I would like profitability by customer groups and by product line. And I would like the traditional financial statements and associated ratios to review profitability, liquidity and productivity. I would like data on quality, ...

Solution provided by:
  • BSc, University of Virginia
  • MSc, University of Virginia
  • PhD, Georgia State University
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