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Project Management Questions and Answers

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Q 1: What is a project portfolio management system? Describe the considerations for designing such a system.
Q 2: Discuss the importance to fully integrate the WBS with the organization. In your estimation, what could happen if this integration does not take place?
Q 3: Under what conditions would you consider using a responsibility matrix as opposed to a full-blown WBS? In your answer provide an example of a project that would fit the use of a responsibility matrix and explain why.
Q4: Summarize the components (terminology) of a project network. Choose a project, and give examples from that project for each component.
Q5: Explain the major types of costs, and indicate which ones can be controlled by the project manager.
Q6: Compare and contrast resource allocation methods for time-constrained and resource-constrained projects.
Q7: Explain the project cost-duration graph and how it is constructed and used.

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Solution Summary

This solution contains answers to the following questions:

Q 1: What is a project portfolio management system? Describe the considerations for designing such a system.
Q 2: Discuss the importance to fully integrate the WBS with the organization. In your estimation, what could happen if this integration does not take place?
Q 3: Under what conditions would you consider using a responsibility matrix as opposed to a full-blown WBS? In your answer provide an example of a project that would fit the use of a responsibility matrix and explain why.
Q4: Summarize the components (terminology) of a project network. Choose a project, and give examples from that project for each component.
Q5: Explain the major types of costs, and indicate which ones can be controlled by the project manager.
Q6: Compare and contrast resource allocation methods for time-constrained and resource-constrained projects.
Q7: Explain the project cost-duration graph and how it is constructed and used.

All sources are cited in APA format and a project network diagram is included.

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