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Personal ethics and family beliefs

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I do believe personal ethics are based off of your own family beliefs and the way a person was brought as a child into adulthood and the environment in which they learned their beliefs. Personal beliefs are not written but taught to us from childhood on up. I do believe personal believe can be change over time because of what we was taught growing up is all we know, but once we start experiencing things or own personal ethics may change. Professional ethics as you stated does depend on what your job is asking of you as an employee and it's up to you to be the one to make that decision on rather you're going to follow it or not and what you're willing to change to accommodate staying on a job or just ignore something to stay employed. Explain

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Solution provides explanation for the following statement; "I do believe personal ethics are based off of your own family beliefs and the way a person was brought as a child into adulthood and the environment in which they learned their beliefs. Personal beliefs are not written but taught to us from childhood on up. I do believe personal believe can be change over time because of what we was taught growing up is all we know, but once we start experiencing things or own personal ethics may change. Professional ethics as you stated does depend on what your job is asking of you as an employee and it's up to you to be the one to make that decision on rather you're going to follow it or not and what you're willing to change to accommodate staying on a job or just ignore something to stay employed".

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The field of ethics, also called moral philosophy, involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. Professional ethics are set of rules and values that are part of the corporate culture, thus asking employees to comply even if it sometimes clashes with their personal ethics... The corporate scandals in ...

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