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Data and number sense

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Find the mean of the following set of numbers.

7, 10, 9, 13, 6

A) 9 B) 10 C) 8 D) 9.2 A)
Use the table, showing the yearly food costs of a family, below this table to answer questions 2a and 2b:
A) In what year was the cost of food the greatest?
B) What was the cost in 1999? 2A_______,

2B _______

Use the following to answer the question below:

This pie chart shows the distribution of a person's total yearly income of $36,000.
a. Find the amount budgeted for clothing.
b. Amount budgeted for food? A.
B. .
Find the median and mode of the following set of numbers.

11, 13, 13, 12, 11, 12, 13, 10, 14 Median =

Mode =
Find the first and third quartiles, Q1 and Q3, of the following set of numbers.

16, 4, 13, 18, 8, 15, 6, 3, 11, 8 *Show work here:

Find the five-number summary of the following set of numbers.
0.16, 0.08, 0.27, 0.20, 0.22, 0.32, 0.25, 0.18, 0.28, 0.27

Use the following table to create a pictograph.
Motor Vehicle Production
Year Vehicles
1999 16,978
2000 15,653
2001 19,451
2002 18,914
2003 17,203
2004 17,892
*Show your graph here or below table

Construct a box-and-whisker plot for the set of numbers.
348, 234, 146, 384, 247, 487, 276, 221, 303 *Show your plot below table

Box and whisker plot here or below
Divide 102/17
Add - 43 + - 29
Subtract - 9 - (-6.8)

Perform the indicated operation
*Show work here:

Evaluate |-57| - |-50|

A) -171 B) -7 C) 107 D) 7 A___, B_ __, C___ ,D___

Find the reciprocal of
*Show work here

Multiply (3.5) (6) (-8)


Which of the following numbers are integers?
Integers are:
Place the following set of numbers in ascending order.

a. Evaluate the following. Remember to use the order of operation a
16 ÷ (-2) (-4)
23 + 4

b. Explain the steps taken Show your work and explanation here


100 + 6EC
Total deductions
Total after deductions
* Items denoted with * must show work.

For additional show of work:
2. For problems 2a and 2b above use this table

7. Show your graph here

8. Show your plot here

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Solution Summary

This provides examples of working with data, including mean, pie charts, median, mode, quartiles, tables, box-and-whisker plots, five-number summary, and graphs. There are also examples of working with operations on integers and negative integers, absolute value, and fractions.

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Exercise Description Solutions or Answer here
Find the mean of the following set of numbers.

7, 10, 9, 13, 6

A) 9 B) 10 C) 8 D) 9.2 A) (7+10+9+10+6)/5

= 9 (A)
Use the table, showing the yearly food costs of a family, below this table to answer questions 2a and 2b:
A) In what year was the cost of food the greatest?
B) What was the cost in 1999? 2A__2002_____,

2B _$9000______

Use the following to answer the question below:

This pie chart shows the distribution of a person's total yearly income of $36,000.
a. Find the amount budgeted for clothing.
b. Amount budgeted for food? A. 0.12*36,000 = $4320 (12%)
B. .25*36,000 = $9000
Find the median and ...

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