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Three Phases of Program Design

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Companies need to have an effective training program in place to motivate employees to obtain new knowledge and learn any new skills required to effectively complete the duties required for their jobs. An organization must perform an adequate needs assessment and choose the delivery method, face-to-face or online, that best suits their needs and choose the content that best aligns with their business strategy.

The three phases of program design are pre-training, learning event, and post-training. Which one do you think is the most important and why?

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The three phases of program designs are determined. Effective training programs in place to motivate employees to obtain new knowledge is given.

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I think that the actual learning event phase of a training program design is the most important for staff members or employees. This is largely due to the fact that this is actually the stage in which these individuals are active in gaining the knowledge and skill sets that are needed in order to enhance their ability to complete their jobs in an effective and efficient manner. This is the phase in which these individuals can focus upon acquiring specific information that is instrumental to them being able to help to ...

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  • Criminal Justice, Elizabeth City State University
  • Master of Public Administration, North Carolina Central University
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