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This post addresses Employee Relationship Management.

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I need some help with responding to this scenario:

You have joined a small manufacturing organization that will be implementing an Employee Relationship Management (ERM) enterprise solution. This is their first large software implementation. At this time, software and computers are used by less than 10% of the employees so the IS department has simply billed each department for those services. However, with the advent of an ERM all departments and all employees will be using the new system. You have been asked to provide an overview of the various ways that systems can be funded and the pros and cons of each for this situation.

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the following scenario:

You have joined a small manufacturing organization that will be implementing an Employee Relationship Management (ERM) enterprise solution. This is their first large software implementation. At this time, software and computers are used by less than 10% of the employees so the IS department has simply billed each department for those services. However, with the advent of an ERM all departments and all employees will be using the new system. You have been asked to provide an overview of the various ways that systems can be funded and the pros and cons of each for this situation.

Solution Preview

In this situation we're implementing an ERM and they've never had this type of program before. Presently less than 10% of the employees use the computers and because its such a low rate, the IT department bills each dept. for the services that they do use. We're now implementing a system that will increase ERM use so we need to look at funding, and pros and cons.

Let's look at funding. This is a big project even though we're dealing with a small manufacturing plant. We want to go from 10% of employees using a technology system to 100% of employees using the ...

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