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Use the Internet, Library, and unit resources to research informative and persuasive presentations.

Explain the reasons why, or when, you would use each of these approaches.

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The solution talks about several presentation types, and explains Aristotle's Rhetorical Triangle (logos,ethos,pathos).

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It is my goal to provide ideas, definitions, research help, and instructions on how you, the student, should approach the assignment.

Consider the following:

"Types of Presentations
Randall P. Whatley

The first step in preparing a presentation is to define the purpose of your presentation.

The following is an overview of several common types of presentations and their purpose. Each presentation type requires a specific organization technique to assure they are understood and remembered by the audience. The suggested organizational structure is also provided.

1. Informative

Keep an informative presentation brief and to the point. Stick to the facts and avoid complicated information. Choose one of the following organizational structures for an informative presentation:

Explains when things should happen
Works best with visual people or people who can see the overall organization or sequence of events
Use words like first, second, third, to list order

Explains where things should happen
Works best with people who understand the group or area you are talking about
Use words like Region 1, 2, 3, or 4 to explain order

Cause and Effect
Explains how things should happen
Works best with people who understand the relationship between events
Use phrases like Because of ____________, we now have to ___________

Logical Order
Simply list items in their order of importance
Works best with people who are accustomed to breaking down complex data into components in order to digest the material

2. Instructional

Your purpose in an instructional presentation is to give specific directions or orders. Your presentation will probably be a bit longer, because it has to cover your topic thoroughly. In an instructional presentation, your listeners should come away with new knowledge or a new skill.

Explain why the information or skill is valuable to the audience
Explain the learning objectives of the instructional program
Demonstrate the process if it involves something in which the audience will later participate using the following method
Demonstrate it first without comment
Demonstrate it again with a brief explanation
Demonstrate it a third time, step-by-step, with an explanation
Have the participants practice the skill
Provide participants the opportunity to ask questions, give, and receive feedback from you and their peers
Connect the learning to actual use
Have participants verbally state how they will use it

3. Arousing

Your purpose in an arousing presentation is to make people think about a certain problem or situation. You want to arouse the audience's emotions and intellect so that they will be receptive to your point of view. Use vivid language in an arousing presentation-- project sincerity and enthusiasm.

Gain attention with a story that illustrates (and sometimes exaggerates) the problem
Show the need to solve the problem and illustrate it with an example that is general or commonplace
Describe your solution for a satisfactory resolution to the problem
Compare/contrast the two worlds with the problem ...

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