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PowerPoint Techniques for Change Management

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The technique of change management is important when a company decides to evaluate its strength and weakness in order to be more competitive in the marketplace. You are the head of the Change Management effort at Boeing whereby employees have to learn new software systems. Currently, the company is experiencing high anxiety and resistance due to these new change efforts.

Please prepare a PowerPoint in which you describe your plans for effective change management at Boeing. Your audience will be middle management. You will be describing how forces for and against change impacts the organization. You will also be assessing critical resistance factors for effective change. You will be implementing change management techniques by providing opportunities for team building and software training. Your efforts are aimed to effectively transition the company to the new software system. Specifically, your PowerPoint presentation and in-depth speaker notes will:

-Summarize plans for effective change management
-Identify resistance to the change management process as the new software is implemented
-Implement Change Management Techniques

eight slides presented

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The PowerPoint techniques for change management are examined.

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The technique of change management is important when a company decides to evaluate its strength and weakness in order to be more competitive in the marketplace. You are the head of the Change Management effort at Boeing whereby employees have to learn new software systems. ...

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