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Non-profit organization: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

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Assistance with information Essay on the non-profit orgainzation, The Bill & Melinda Gates.


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The response address the queries posted in 678 words with references.

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The response address the queries posted in 678 words with references.

//Before, discussing about an Organization, we need to understand it. So, firstly, we will write about the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which is a non-profit Organization, along with its milestones and establishments.//

The following are the milestones for establishments of Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation-: Firstly, in the year 1997, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda established a Library Foundation to provide computer resources to poor communities. Afterwards, in the year 1999, the Gates Library Foundation grew into the Gates Learning Foundation to fulfill the educational needs of the various communities. In the year 2000; The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was established by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in Washington. This foundation is one of the operated charitable foundation, which is regulated by the three legal guardians I.e. Bill Gates, Melinda Gates & Warren Buffet and William H. Gates, Sr. And Jeff Raikes are the chief offices. The main motives of Bill & Melinda Foundation are to promote education and information technology services to the poor communities in the ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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