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Mental Process: Compare Four Styles of Creative Intelligence

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Prepare a paper in which you compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence and their influence on organizational decision making. Be sure to discuss how the five forces influence mental models/mind sets. Include examples of how mental models/mind sets might limit the decision making process. Finally, analyze your most commonly used mental models/mind sets that guide your decision making in the work place. How do these models influence our decision making?

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The solution compares and contrasts the four styles of creative intelligence and how this intelligence influences decisions in 1200 words with references.

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When comparing and contrasting, all one has to do is look at today's society, and the four creative intelligence styles are apparent. While each is different in theory, all are important as all make society one. Some members of society are intuitive while others are innovative. Some are imaginative and other inspirational. The threat to creative intelligence is "when creative abilities can become liabilities when they are not recognized, protected and given a meaningful outlet on a direct basis." (CCI 2008) When society blocks out such abilities, the individual and humanity, as a whole, suffers.

Intuitive - Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, "I did not arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind. The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you." (Einstein) The center for Creative Intelligence agrees and states "strong intuitive capabilities, as in the experience of "knowing" something is true and being highly accurate without reliance on concrete information." (CCI 2008) How does this work into society? Greatly, as it states that all can be intuitive.

All of society's members have an intuitive intelligence that is yearning to be heard. Most often the intuitive screaming is ignored but not due to ignorance but confusion. An example would be a widower who had of two children and a passion to write a book. His inner self is begging to come out and be heard but he cannot hear it because of the confusion of his life getting in the way. Work, kids and bills are more important for survival than quitting his job to write. His passion is to write but his devotion is to his children. His intuitive intelligence is not being heard.

Innovative - "Highly creative people frequently suffer from a type of ...

Solution provided by:
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Science in Paralegal Studies, Kaplan College
  • Business Diploma, Katharine Gibbs Business College for Women
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