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environmental protection

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You have a family owned bakery and you have to come up with an environmental protection policy for this business.

Research and reflect on the roles of government, business, and the consumer in environmental protection. Include information and references from the internet, books, etc. that can be used in the Environmental Policy Statement for the family owned bakery.

There is no required length. The main thing is gathering good information and references dealing with the roles of government, business, and the consumer in environmental protection.

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Solution Summary

You have a family owned bakery and you have to come up with an environmental protection policy for this business.

Research and reflect on the roles of government, business, and the consumer in environmental protection. Include information and references from the internet, books, etc. that can be used in the Environmental Policy Statement for the family owned bakery.

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The main elements of the Environmental protection policy of the Bakery business are:

The business should consider impact on environment when finalizing business decisions.

The business should recognize and respond to any legitimate community concerns about potential environmental health issues.

The business should engage in proper ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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