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Critical and Creative Thinking Questions

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1. Have you ever changed a strongly held attitude? What caused the change for you?

2. Do you believe that you are free of prejudice? After reading this chapter, which of the many factors that cause prejudice do you think is most important to change?

3. How do Milgram's results-particularly the finding that the remoteness of the victim affected obedience-relate to some aspects of modern warfare?

4. What are some of the similarities between Zimbardo's prison study and the abuses at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq?

5. Have you ever done something in a group that you would not have done if you were alone? What happened? How did you feel? What have you learned from this chapter that might help you avoid this behavior in the future?

6. Can you think of situations when the egoistic model of altruism seems most likely correct? What about the empathy-altruism hypothesis?

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1274 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1274 words with references.

// Creative thinking leads to better and fruitful ideas that can help a person grow in his life. While writing this paper, the focus is on how creative the mind of a person can be and how does he think at the time of facing a critical situation. The paper is all about a person's attitude and what motivating factors can drive him to lead either a wrong or correct life. //

Creative thinking can be defined as bringing up of new ideas that did not come into existence before. Creative thinking can come up either in the form of product, process or thought. Attitudes are strongly held and are very difficult to change (Creativity and Creative Thinking, 2006). They require strong motivating factors in order to change the attitudes that have once been identified in an individual. Yes, I have changed my strongly held attitude towards religion. I am a firm believer of religion and strongly think that everything happens for a reason. But the factor that changed my thinking towards religion was that recently communal riots took place which shattered my beliefs towards religion. Religion is something that brings peace and calms the soul of an individual but the communal riots have changed the meaning of religion and now it can be seen that people are having hatred towards each other, and filled with anger, anguish, etc. So, from the above lines I can say that my strongly held attitude has changed my thinking forever.

Prejudice in simple words is known as prejudgment that may be a preconceived belief, which is related to a particular case. I as a human being cannot say that yes I am free from prejudice; in fact I am not free from prejudice. I say this because prejudice is basically biasness and when my close friend asks me to favor her regarding any issue, and then I will favor her willingly or unwillingly, intentionally or unintentionally. I might be influenced by certain acts that have been done by her for me. I might act ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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