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Calculating Composite Rating for Different Locations

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A location analysis for Temponi Controls, a small manufacturer of parts for high-technology cable systems, has been narrowed down to four locations. Temponi will need to train assemblers, testers, and robotics maintainers in local training centers. Cecilis Temponi, the president, has asked each potential site to offer training programs, tax breaks, and other industrial incentives. The critical factors, their weights, and the ratings for each locations are shown in the following table. High scores represent favorable values.

Factors Weight Akron, OH Biloxi, Ms Carthage, TX Denver, CO
Availability .15 90 80 90 80
Quality .10 95 75 65 85
Cost .30 80 85 95 85
Land and
Cost .15 60 80 90 70
Industrial .20 90 75 85 60
Labor cost .10 75 80 85 75

A. Compute the composite rating for each location
B. Which site would you choose
C. Would you reach the same conclusion if the weights for operating cost and labor cost were reversed? Recompute as necessary and explain.

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Solution Summary

Solution describes the steps to find out the weighted composite rating for different locations based upon rating provided to various factors. Attached as Excel spreadsheet.

Solution provided by:
  • BEng (Hons) , Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India
  • MSc (Hons) , Birla Institute of Technology and Science, India
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