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Exploiting someone and their information

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Henry writes a series of essays that have an environmental focus. One of these essays contains a very detailed description of the workings of a forest ecosystem. A national environment organization opposed to logging in certain areas has copied this essay and includes it in materials that the group gives to members of the public in hopes of persuading those persons to join the opposition to logging in these areas. Henry has never wanted his work to be forced onto people and objects to his essay being copied and distributed like this. He is afraid persons will think he is part of this organization, and he did not want his essay used this way. Was this within fair use? What steps can Henry take to stop this use of his essay? Do you think that he will prevail? Please give examples of three other similar cases and the results.

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Exploiting someone and their information

Henry writes a series of essays that have an environmental focus. One of these essays contains a very detailed description of the workings of a forest ecosystem. A national environment organization opposed to logging in certain areas has copied this essay and includes it in materials that the group gives to members of the public in hopes of persuading those persons to join the opposition to logging in these areas. Henry has never wanted his work to be forced onto people and objects to his essay being copied and distributed like this. He is afraid persons will think he is part of this organization, and he did not want his essay used this way. Was this within fair ...

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