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Managing an MD call system in a hospital.

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The emergency management coordinator, who is also the person, my department director reports to, thinks my department, which has a major function as a call center and also serves as part of the communication hub during emergencies, would be the perfect group to manage the MD on call system. What are the possible problems and solutions that group may meet during managing the MD on call system?

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This solution discusses the following communication issue:

The emergency management coordinator, who is also the person, my department director reports to, thinks my department, which has a major function as a call center and also serves as part of the communication hub during emergencies, would be the perfect group to manage the MD on call system. What are the possible problems and solutions that group may meet during managing the MD on call system?

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The department is the same department that serves as the communication hub during emergencies. If this same department is also going to handle the MD on call system, the problem is that chaos will result. If this is implemented, the solution has ...

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