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Conflict on Learning Teams

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I need assistance (650 words) with the questions below, regarding the situation/conflict attached.

Ethics: What ethical issues arose? How were these issues resolved? How did ethics influence the decision-making and problem-solving processes?

Leadership: In what ways did the leadership roles emerge or fail to emerge? When did leadership emerge in comparison to the other roles? How did leadership affect those roles? What style of leadership did the leader portray and was it effective?

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This solution of 790 words provides an analysis of leadership and ethical behaviors in a team. It identifies the types of leaders and the relationship dynamics of the team.

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I used the questions to create a response. There is enough information for you to choose your approach and how to expand it based on your class lectures and notes.

Ethics: What ethical issues arose? How were these issues resolved? How did ethics influence the decision-making and problem-solving processes?

The first obvious one is that one member of the team did not complete her part of the assignment and as importantly did not keep in contact with the group for weeks. Her excuse of not having internet access is questionable, given the length of time. The group made several moves in relation to this. One member went ahead and did the work she was supposed to accomplish. This was then included in the first draft and subsequent drafts. Second, they considered whether to let her perform the final edit in lieu of not completing her assignment. Last, the ultimately did not let her do the final edit (though this was the decision of a single person, with input from others) and she was not listed as part of the group that turned in the final work.

The leadership was not determined before the project and ...

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