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prospective clients

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Hello, I need help with (3) questions.

1. What would you try to learn about your prospective clients before expanding your company globally? What consumer behaviors would be a good fit for your company or product? Where in the world would you try to expand first?

2. Describe a situation where you've seen a company utilize poor marketing strategies in expanding its company or product to a new market. What strategies would you have implemented, in order to be successful?

3. What rituals do you perform that impact or are impacted by marketers? From a daily habit/activity to an annual holiday what ritual is in your life? How does this tie into consumer behavior and relate to marketing?

Please be thought-provoking and relate your own personal experiences.
Please try to provide real-world work-place examples.

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prospective clients are discussed in great detail in this solution.

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Hello, I need help with (3) questions.

1. What would you try to learn about your prospective clients before expanding your company globally? What consumer behaviors would be a good fit for your company or product? Where in the world would you try to expand first?

There are several things that I need to learn about my prospective customers before expanding globally. First, I need to know the needs that my product will satisfy. If it is a business to business customer, I will ascertain his business objectives for dealing with me. Further, I will assess if the prospective client has the finances to afford the products/services I plan to market globally. A due diligence study is helpful. Next, I need to assess if the clients with whom I am dealing have the authority to make decisions. I do not want a situation where after all negotiations the decision making person turns down the proposal. Finally, I would like to assess how the potential customer will access my product/service. If it is products the customer must have access to a port from which she will get access to my products.

The customer behaviors that would be a good fit for my company would be those customers that behave ethically and comply with international and local laws. In addition, I want to market globally to businesses ...

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