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New Belgium Brewin

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Case Analysis: New Belgium Brewing
Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

You are responsible for developing an Integrated Marketing Communications plan for New Belgium Brewing. Begin by reviewing the details of the case - New Belgium Brewing (B) product.

Assume that you have taken on the role of Marketing Communications Manager today, in 2012. Although the company has increased sales through broader distribution, sales are currently flat. Senior management has determined that you need to capture a new target audience with the same products and develop an Integrated Marketing Communications plan for the period October 2012 - September 2013.

Your plan must include: Description of selected Target Market. Description should include: demographic and psychographic factors and likely media preferences.

Determine objectives for the year (what do you need your communication tactic to accomplish?) Be specific: are you building awareness, interest etc, and what percentage of the market do you hope to impact? Establish your communication approach - push vs. pull with rationale as to why you have selected this approach.
Determine mix of media to accomplish your goals and evaluate why each media is chosen. You must specify the media outlet, such as title of TV show, magazine, trade show, etc.

Create a Budget (see constraints below) and a specific calendar for communication tactics and describe the flow of activities, month by month.

Compose the message (slogan, tag line or compelling reason to purchase) and describe how you visualize it being executed.

For this project assume the follow: Total Budget Allocation for 12 months is $8,000,000
Costs per media:
30 second TV Spot $350,000 per spot
30 second Local Radio $10,000 per spot
Full Page National Magazine Ad $350,000 per issue
Ã??Ã?½ page $245,000 per issue
Ã??Ã?¼ page $175,000 per issue
Informational Website $15,000
Transactional Website $25,000
Internet Advertising $35,000 per outlet
Sales Promotion & Couponing $405,000 per campaign
Direct Mail per 10,000 pieces $10,000
Trade Show - National Scope $975,000
Direct Sales Staffing - per person $125,000
Sales Staff Promotion -per person $45,000
Brochures and Collateral Material $80,000
Sport Event Marketing $1,200,000 per event

Requirements: This is a business planning project. You want your final output to convince your new boss you know what you're doing. Let your creativity come out AND, be sure to provide solid rationale for your decisions tied to the marketing communication concepts

A few resources regarding Integrated Marketing Communications -

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1433 words with references.

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The response addresses the queries posted in 1433 words with references.
//This paragraph will describe about the company and its product regarding the integrating marketing communication plan with new target audience. There will be a consideration of tactics of communication and media to be used for the purpose. The main purpose of the communication plan will be overviewed.//

New Belgium Brewing Company is established in Colorado. The company is involved in production and marketing of different varieties of beers. The brand and its products are well known in the local market. The company wants to increase the sale of product B, even when there is growth in total sales over the last few years, but now there is a flat sale, especially of product B. There is a need to develop a fair marketing communication plan to increase the sales of product B within the given budget constraints. There will be a need to target the specific audience with new marketing strategies in terms of features of the product before the potential audience to improve the existing situation.

Integrated Marketing Communications plan is to promote the brand of the product through several channels of communication to develop seamless experiences before customers and assist to create demand of the product in the market. It covers all the marketing communication like an advertisement in different media, trade shows, internet advertising, magazines, brochures and collateral material, etc. New Belgium Brewing (B) product is to be considered for the integrated marketing communication plan so that the sales can be increased in the market with new consumers (Egan, 2007).

//In this paragraph, there will be a description about the target audience. There will be a consideration of demographic and Psychographic profile of the target audience to decide the valuable aspects of the communication plan.//

The target audience for the product will be of the age 15 to 25 because these potential audiences are habitual and have their sentiments attached with particular products that cause them to have more consumption of such products. The audiences also have the obsession to taste beers for enjoy and to make their life relaxed. The target market for the purpose is to be made after consideration of all the reasonable factors so that their impact can be perceived in a favorable condition to increase the existing sales with better marketing communication plan.

Demographic profile of the ...

Solution provided by:
  • MBA (IP), International Center for Internationa Business
  • BBA, University of Rajasthan
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