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Brand Extension

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Discuss how to create a brand extension. Include rationale for the extension.

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The solution briefly describes the meaning of brand extension with the help of an example. It also briefly discusses the rationale or logic behind the brand extension strategies of the companies.

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Welcome to Brainmass. We provide you the guidance on the topic and assist you in solving your academic assignments. The solution for your problem is as follows:

Brand Extension - is a marketing strategy in which a company uses an already established brand name for new product categories. For example, Ralph Lauren's extended its brand Polo from clothes to home furnishings such as towels and bedding. Similarly Mahindra & Mahindra, an Indian company, extended its brand name from Tractors to SUV cars to Trucks is an ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, M.D.S University, Ajmer
  • MBA, M.D.S University, Ajmer
  • PhD, Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur
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